• Hi<< Test First Name >>I hope this message finds that you and you's are all well. Just in case you forgot I wanted to remind you of the importance of shifting your perspective  if you're feeling overwhelmed in this current climate.

    My Invitation for you is to;
    Listen to yourself more closely today. What you have to say is important. You've been waiting to hear for days now. Today, slow down to tune into what your body is saying to you and honour it.

    What have you been dreaming about? Often when we dream we can view them as opportunities to awaken our passion and purpose. They’re often clear indicators that can alert us to warnings, vision and purpose. Remember imagination and prayer are directly proportional. Our dreams can help quantum leap our lives. Create a dream journal to capture the images,patterns and messages.
    Know that it's safe to hear the truth. It's safe to remember your truth and use your truth to elevate yourself to the next best level for the greatest good of all.

    Know that it's safe to have discernment and know the difference between what is your truth and what is others.
    It's safe to know it's possible for you to be trustworthy and live your daily life with complete trust in the creator.
    It's safe to understand what it feels like to trust your own instincts and move out of the confines of your comfort zone.
    It's safe to quieten the noise. Its safe to lean in... Be still.
    Would you like that?
    Trust the still small voice within. Your soul is whispering to you, gently leading you to evolve and grow exponentially.

    Here's three quick practical tips that will help you reduce stress and elevate your life right about now...

  • Cultivate an attitude of gratitude- when you connect with the divine you deepen your intuition, wisdom and clarity as we  create in spirit and manifest in the physical.

  • Carve out an hour a day of solitude by creating quiet surroundings at home and work. Creativity thrives when you give space to hear your own thoughts remember when nothing seems certain anything is possible.

  • Focus on the top 3 most important things to do each day. Discipline encourages you to form habits that reframe your resistance. Whatever you resist persists so commit to doing the things that will activate the most impact in your life.

    With love and success

Georgina XO
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