About you...

  • You want to unleash the freedom to be exactly who and where you are in life without constantly worrying whether or not you are good enough.

  • Finding yourself and ready to take on the rest of this year with so much power is paramount as you let go of old beliefs, complete transformation

  • You want to create an extraordinary life & business from an aligned, effortless place, based on the full expression of your authentic self.

  • You want to get out of overwhelm and into clarity by finally learning how to break “the rules” embodying your transformation and show people you love what’s possible.

  • You know there's more to life than the one you've been living and ready to take action NOW.
    As you transform along a journey that creates positive change in every step creating personal and professional abundance so you can capitalize on the most effortless thing in the world —simply being your magnificent self.

But is the life that you imagined for yourself truly possible for you?

Right now, you're struggling with your thoughts and feelings. You’re trying to please everybody in your life and hardly ever listening to your own needs.

This is a journey of emotional mastery and personal power. It is the art of learning to lead ourselves first...It isn’t always easy.
But there is no greater life...
Most people are constantly looking for the HOW, they want the short cut, the cliff notes version...this, in my opinion, is not the way.

To the ones ready to reinvent themselves...

Its time to think big, take inspired action and leave the old paradigm behind and step into a new version of themselves...in their life, relationships and business.

Here’s the truth, to the one’s that are now ready to see that they will not achieve the greatness they desire in the confines of the mind they navigate life with now... They decide who they will become because they finally decided that they matter. When that happens they’ll move through this world differently.

My call is to the the ones who truly believe in their ability to complete the race, finish the line ...and crack their own shell...instead of living in the illusion of tomorrow leaving their true creativity and desires trapped in the clouds of historical beliefs that are not there’s.

I’m calling in the one’s who are ready to write the part in the story of their lives where everything changed...

I’m ready for you…


I'm Georgina Ackerman.

I believe in human potential and speaking to the one in you who stomps her feet because it’s been so long that you paid attention to her whispers and call for desire.

I speak to the one who is longing for more you feel it so strong it hurts sometimes...there’s a deep knowing of who you are and what you’re here for but something happened that caused you to forget…
I speak to the women who’s ready to travel beyond fearing this transition... feeling guilt for always wanting to achieve a level beyond... feeling ashamed of how much they desire to do be and have.

I help women celebrate who they have become. Their actions and successes are now in alignment with their true vibrational signature...emotional mastery and personal power.

She’s the one who embraces her own evolution over a lifetime. She knows deep down that the quality of her relationship with herself gives her the courage to receive exponential growth on all levels.

It’s a revelation.

It’s a discovery.

It’s a journey.

 I'll teach you how to unleash your gifts energetically and stop you disconnecting yourself from the very thing you desire taking radical responsibility to make decisions that used to make you feel uncomfortable.

  • Struggling with career success and what to focus on next?

  • Unsure of what your purpose/calling is because you feel you’re in the second part of your life?

  • Feel stuck in many parts of your life including your relationship with men and money?


As we work together, you’ll learn how to navigate disappointment with a renewed understanding of what you’re protecting. I'll encourage you to be and do more than you ever imagined possible for yourself. I'll get you to lean in to your discomfort as you grow leaps and bounds. You’ll feel more courage, vision and realignment as you take pride of having FINALLLLY broken through this mysterious block that had plagued you for so long.

When you shout out loud or jump on your bed snapping a a self-timer photo, You’ll be jumping for every one of us who is on the journey to self-realisation, adventure and freedom.
You will achieve much by exploring and aligning with what you truly want.

You want to create your own version of success. You want to create an impact, a movement for change.

By the time our work together is completed, you'll know and love more of who you are through discovering what you need to do and how to make it happen. 
Years ago, I worked in the entertainment industry as a professional actress, living my dream, blessed enough to work in London, Internationally in TV, Film, and Theatre and see my face plastered all over London buses, and the underground bill boards.

I had my eyes firmly set on winning an Oscar (it's true I did!) . And then one day I experienced One moment... one defining moment where instead of tolerating the pain we all know... I chose a new pain, an unknown pain, one I didn’t yet know how to handle...

So I could finally be set free...To walk in a new direction with trust and faith that there is always a light at the end of the path...

We can use this moment to think.. about what life could be...or we can step boldly forward. Allowing ourselves to truly find out what we’re made of. Be willing to play full out in this game called life...

Well you can guess what I did

I know what it's like to know deep down in your soul that there’s something else out there that's bigger more exciting and in line with your true passion and purpose. The challenge I faced, was I just didn’t know what I didn’t know.  Even worse my friends and family couldn't help me either. For years I felt stuck in limbo not knowing which way to turn or what else I could do.

Praying that God would give me a vision, some clarity for who I really was and what I was here to do .

What I wanted was for someone to literally take my hand and say “This is what you’re good at and this is how you’re going to achieve it”.

 I realised I had been struggling too long. And I needed help!

I finally appreciated the power of my thoughts that One moment... one defining moment where instead of choosing the safety and the comfort of my past choices... I did something bold, something brave, something crazy.

The life we live today is a sum of the decisions we have made. We craft our path with every waking moment... I chose to know that DESIRE ALWAYS COME FIRST and look as far as my soul can see. I bet on myself and win or learn. I learnt that I go first and the creator responds.

I learnt that I always had the power of choice and just hadn’t recognised or claimed it before…
After a lot of praying, studying, training, and learning I turned it all around... I understood that All we need in order to pull it is the unshakable understanding that it’s there.

I soon realised that one of my desires outside of (performing, eating and travelling) was teaching people to play in the field of possibilities.

Once you rewire your brain around limitations, and illusions it’s impossible to see life the way you used to.

It’s a shift that changes everything,

& it’s a journey I would love to take you on.

Won’t you join me…

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Learn more about how to work with me.

Treat Yourself to the Investment

That You Actually Are!