Today I want to invite you to get clear about somethings.  I desire for you to be encouraged, to stop making excuses about why your not living the life of your dreams and heart's deepest desires. Now, I know that using your age or lack of time, education, money or experience are time tested, lack lustre, old and boring belief systems that keep us all stuck, uninspired and frustrated. Phew... But I want you to really think about what you're committed to right now.
Do you want to be right or do you want to be happy?
 You see I know how difficult it can be to get clear on what it actually is that you desire when you're trying to juggle family, work and relationship commitments.  But it's time to nurture yourself by giving time and space for you to think Big!
So I'm here, firstly to remind you that your desires have been gifted to you by God to manifest and that's not going to happen if you keep thinking in a limited way about what's truly possible for you .I'll tell you that the only way that change ever happens is when you get really clear on WHAT you want and WHY it's important.
 I want to gift you by sharing a little exercise that I use with my clients in order to get their focus in the right direction. I'm sure you'll find them useful too. Ask yourself;
1) What are my intentions for this month?
2) Who do I need to become in order to live out my heart’s truest desires?
3) What do I need to stop doing to live out my heart's truest desires?
Take some time to reflect then write down what comes up for you...
 So imagine deliberatly using your thoughts & creativity to create bigger, bolder and brighter dreams for your life. You see by doing this you'll be giving yourself permission to make achieving your dreams and desires a non- negotiable in your life. 
Remember diasppointment requires adequate planning. , so make sure you PLAN to feel better, and more positive about what's possible for your life. 
Take control over your thought life by doing one thing today that will move you towards your desires. What will you do? Where will you go? Imagine right now what would happen if you lifted all false beliefs away and truly OWNED your full potential. What would that person do, say and think?
Once you believe that something is possible, your world will become richer as a result.
I have 4 deluxe VIP Intensives available today offering you the opportunity to be coached by me on how to create the life you want and get past the blocks that stop you from living life on purpose. I'm excited to help you enhance your confidence, passion and purpose in life and business. Here's to you investing in your dreams!
Click here to schedule a complimentary 20 min clarity assessment.
Can't wait to meet!