• Hi<< Test First Name >>I hope this message finds that you and you's are all well. Just in case you forgot I wanted to remind you of the importance of shifting your perspective  if you're feeling overwhelmed in this current climate.

    My Invitation for you is to;
    Listen to yourself more closely today. What you have to say is important. You've been waiting to hear for days now. Today, slow down to tune into what your body is saying to you and honour it.

    What have you been dreaming about? Often when we dream we can view them as opportunities to awaken our passion and purpose. They’re often clear indicators that can alert us to warnings, vision and purpose. Remember imagination and prayer are directly proportional. Our dreams can help quantum leap our lives. Create a dream journal to capture the images,patterns and messages.
    Know that it's safe to hear the truth. It's safe to remember your truth and use your truth to elevate yourself to the next best level for the greatest good of all.

    Know that it's safe to have discernment and know the difference between what is your truth and what is others.
    It's safe to know it's possible for you to be trustworthy and live your daily life with complete trust in the creator.
    It's safe to understand what it feels like to trust your own instincts and move out of the confines of your comfort zone.
    It's safe to quieten the noise. Its safe to lean in... Be still.
    Would you like that?
    Trust the still small voice within. Your soul is whispering to you, gently leading you to evolve and grow exponentially.

    Here's three quick practical tips that will help you reduce stress and elevate your life right about now...

  • Cultivate an attitude of gratitude- when you connect with the divine you deepen your intuition, wisdom and clarity as we  create in spirit and manifest in the physical.

  • Carve out an hour a day of solitude by creating quiet surroundings at home and work. Creativity thrives when you give space to hear your own thoughts remember when nothing seems certain anything is possible.

  • Focus on the top 3 most important things to do each day. Discipline encourages you to form habits that reframe your resistance. Whatever you resist persists so commit to doing the things that will activate the most impact in your life.

    With love and success

Georgina XO
🌹Hit reply to book a Clarity session.
Register today to set powerful intentions and ignite your clarity and confidence.

How to step into your desires

How to step into your desires

Today I want to invite you to get clear about somethings.  I desire for you to be encouraged, to stop making excuses about why your not living the life of your dreams and heart's deepest desires. Now, I know that using your age or lack of time, education, money or experience are time tested, lack lustre, old and boring belief systems that keep us all stuck, uninspired and frustrated. Phew... But I want you to really think about what you're committed to right now.
Do you want to be right or do you want to be happy?
 You see I know how difficult it can be to get clear on what it actually is that you desire when you're trying to juggle family, work and relationship commitments.  But it's time to nurture yourself by giving time and space for you to think Big!
So I'm here, firstly to remind you that your desires have been gifted to you by God to manifest and that's not going to happen if you keep thinking in a limited way about what's truly possible for you .I'll tell you that the only way that change ever happens is when you get really clear on WHAT you want and WHY it's important.
 I want to gift you by sharing a little exercise that I use with my clients in order to get their focus in the right direction. I'm sure you'll find them useful too. Ask yourself;
1) What are my intentions for this month?
2) Who do I need to become in order to live out my heart’s truest desires?
3) What do I need to stop doing to live out my heart's truest desires?
Take some time to reflect then write down what comes up for you...
 So imagine deliberatly using your thoughts & creativity to create bigger, bolder and brighter dreams for your life. You see by doing this you'll be giving yourself permission to make achieving your dreams and desires a non- negotiable in your life. 
Remember diasppointment requires adequate planning. , so make sure you PLAN to feel better, and more positive about what's possible for your life. 
Take control over your thought life by doing one thing today that will move you towards your desires. What will you do? Where will you go? Imagine right now what would happen if you lifted all false beliefs away and truly OWNED your full potential. What would that person do, say and think?
Once you believe that something is possible, your world will become richer as a result.
I have 4 deluxe VIP Intensives available today offering you the opportunity to be coached by me on how to create the life you want and get past the blocks that stop you from living life on purpose. I'm excited to help you enhance your confidence, passion and purpose in life and business. Here's to you investing in your dreams!
Click here to schedule a complimentary 20 min clarity assessment.
Can't wait to meet!

Fear? Not If You Use Passion And Purpose The Right Way!

Fear? Not If You Use Passion And Purpose The Right Way!

I'm back wishing you all a fantastic happy new year and to find out truthfully, how fantastic has this year really been for you?

I know we all start off with good intentions to stick to resolutions that we've made at the start of January right? Well, I'm wondering how useful they've really been and whether you've noticed that your new year resolutions have been on rinse and repeat for the past 5 years... Hah! No seriously, do you still feel motivated by the plans that you made or do you feel kinda... Blah! About them.

Well you'll be happy to know that today I'm gonna share 3 quick tips to help kick fear to the curb and get super clear about your passion and purpose for 2017...You ready?

1) Write it down and make it plain.

You've got to make a decision, you gotta know exactly what you want and the only way you're gonna discover that is by writing your thoughts feelings and hunches down on paper (or even better) in your journal. An important thing to remember is to be really specific in what you want to receive who you want to become and by when. Now here's when you have to understand that you can be scared and ready to think big by investing in yourself, your dreams and life's purpose.

2) You gotta have faith that what you want in your life is going to happen.

This one is a deal breaker! The key to this, is understanding the power of your subconcious, basically whatever you think about is what's manifesting in your life right this very moment (Eeek!) So if you find that you have a tendancy to be negative or doubtful about having beautiful things in your life and living the life of your dreams, then that's the exact experience you'll be having. You'll constantly be second guessing yourself. Resulting in loss of focus, confidence and motivation. It's time to put away 'stinking thinking' and habits that are no longer serving you and get really creative about what excites you. Think about it? You've got nothing to lose by trying this out because you can always go back to your old ways right? Have faith...

3)Take inspired action.

My favourite step, it means stepping into your future (literally.) You know acting 'as if' the life you want is already happened. MEANING if you want to be happy then keep it simple and act happy. You want to start making more money, travel more and have new experiences then start getting intimate with your money and book your flight now.  You want to have more love, intimacy and romance in your relationships then become that person who is loving, intimate and romantic. You gotta take responsibility for your life NOW and no part of living life on purpose will you find space for excuses. They're BANNED. FORBIDDEN. CAST OUT and DEFUNCT.

Everything starts when you step into your future YOU and you decide to burn the return ship making it clear that moving forward and leaving the past is a non -negotiable. Investing your time in being abundant, faith-filled and inspired will help you to have the life that you want.

So there, you have my top 3 tips to of how to find your passion and purpose. If this resonated with you and you'd like to go deeper click here to make your breakthrough call, share what's on your heart and see how I can help. 

7 Secret Techniques To Improve Purpose

7 Secret Techniques To Improve Purpose

Can you believe it we've reached the end of 2016 already?

It has been a year full of stories, some of which I've agreed to 'star' in, and others that I have created.

Some of my stories (experiences) are awful ( a lot of melodrama consisting of ‘poor me stories’ ) but above all I know and have taken responsibility for it all.

I have been the director of my life, shaping each scene with my thought-life as I’ve gone along making everything fit in with what's familiar. Throughout this year I've hit brick walls and fallen many times but I’ve also had some really amazing adventures too, by changing my story and asking what's possible for me.

I've had to learn to shift my mind-set to a new default position of being unlimited and unstoppable. I've created some pretty empowering stories this year that have increased my finances, faith in God and emotional well-being giving me real practical breakthroughs in my business and life.

I wonder what story have you created for yourself this year? And is it working for or against you?

I invite you to get really clear about what story you want to create NOW. You don’t have to repeat or get hooked on your old one.

Become more intuitive to what’s true for you and have the courage to step up and into your truth. Look around and notice all the good and inspiring things in the world right now and know that you’re one thought away from getting involved and being the captain of your own ship. Choose to rescue yourself, focus on how you feel about your desires and who you need to become in the process.

Remember, for every action, there’s a reaction, so think big and get into alignment for what that looks like for you.

Take inspired action. For each one of us, it’s unique, and I’m so grateful to have stepped up my game this year and stretched past my comfort zone in business and life.

I’ve traveled to some beautiful places this year, flying off to do some work in LA was always a dream of mine. I just didn’t realize that it would be in the capacity of a life coach (I thought it’d be as an actress ahem, moving on swiftly!) Truly. Visiting Florence, Italy to attend a mastermind hosted by my mentor was such a magical way to learn and grow into more of who I am. That experience allowed me to see what’s possible in my life. Coaching awesome clients and putting on workshops throughout the year have been tremendous experiences.

Spending quality time with my growing family has been one of my complete desires. And learning more about my relationship with money has been pivotal into making my dreams a non-negotiable( more about that later).
As I write this before the close of the year, I wanted to leave you with some powerful questions to help you reflect on how you can gain more clarity and be more creative in your life…
Hope they serve you in bringing 2016 to a close and creating a great 2017.

  • What did you create this year that you’re most proud of?
  • What did you invest in that’s most aligned with your destiny?
  • How can you respond to your setbacks & losses from this year so as to use them to fuel your vision for 2017?
  • What is no longer serving you? What are the patterns, relationships, structures, old beliefs or anything else in the way of your destiny?
  • Who do you need to forgive and what do you need to let go of to be free to shine your light in even greater ways?
  • What can you commit to in 2017 that will most support you to becoming the [person] you came here to be?
  • What is the most powerful intention you can set for 2017 that’s most aligned with the greatness of your soul and the needs of the world?

Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas


As I reflect on all that has happened this year the high's and low's but more importantly the lessons learnt from all of it. I firstly want to thank you all for being part of my journey knowing or unknowingly it all counts. So here's a snippet...

There's a deeper part of all of us that doesn't concern itself with logic and limited reasoning. This part of ourselves isn't bothered of any concerns we may have about our past, present, or future circumstances instead it's concern is instinctual and universal. Most people seem to experience this part of themselves as a quiet feeling – a  guttural knowing sense that all is well and of having a deeper connection with the world and the people around us. This deeper sense of ourselves is not bound by time or environment but is in creative momentum at each and every moment.

Here's the thing, life is so much simpler when we go within to look for the answers, being led from the part of ourselves that is deeply ancient, far wiser and more intuitive than we are taught to appreciate. This deeper part of ourselves is designed to help us become more present to the truth of 'here and now' giving us an opportunity to up-level our lives and relationships by not repeating the same old 'story' and way of doing things that intentionally keep us in fear of change and anxiously misled.

In the days ahead make your best effort to remember times in your life when you were inspired, creative, happy and confident stay in that space as often as possible. Enjoy the feeling then rinse and repeat!

Tap into your inner wisdom to create the life that you desire knowing it is your responsibility to give yourself permission to be true to the process of becoming more of who you are.
Aim high and build well. What you imagine for yourself is exactly what you can and will succeed in.

Now as I close let me leave you with this.

‘Remember – and this is very important – you’re only one thought away from happiness, you’re only one thought away from sadness. The secret lies in Thought. It’s the missing link that everybody in this world is looking for… It’s a gift that we were given to have the freedom to walk through life and see what we want to see. How much better than that can you get? That you have the freedom to walk through life and see as a free thinker, that is the greatest gift ever, to be a free thinker.’
-- Syd Banks

How to Give Yourself the Very Best

How to Give Yourself the Very Best

Today I want to encourage you to step up your game.  

I desire for you to be encouraged, to stop making excuses about why your not living the life of your dreams and heart's desires. Now I know that using your age or lack of time, money or experience are time tested, lack lustre, old and boring belief systems that keep us all stuck, uninspired and frustrated. I want you to achieve all that is possible for you, have no shame in your game. Start thinking big!

Rinse and repeat...

I thought I'd share a little exercise that I use when I work with my coaching clients. These are some of the questions I ask them. I do this in order to get their brains focused in the right direction so they can transform their goals into clear tangible actions. I'm sure you'll find them useful too.

Here they are.
1) What do I need to do more of to reach my desired outcome?
2) What do I need to do less of to reach my desired outcome?
3) What do I need to stop doing to reach my desired outcome?
4)What do I need to begin to do reach my desired outcome?
4) Who do I need to become to achieve my outcome?
Take some time to answer these questions and be sure to write them down.

Get out of overwhelm and into clarity by understanding that you are free to change the way you think and feel, creating an exciting bold & full panoramic image of what is possible for you. Use your imagination & creativity to create bigger, bolder, better, shinier pictures of your vision so you'll feel attracted to them making them a non-negotiable must-have in your life. 

Remember, disappointment requires adequate planning. Often you'll notice that you have to plan ahead for failures and disappointments, so make sure you PLAN to feel better, more positive, Use thoughts and feelings that will improve your life.

Our brain is magnificent, capable of learning multiple languages, of encoding vast amounts of information within short amounts of time. Meaning you can create the life you want because you're more awesome that you think.

Take control over your thought life by imagining yourself right now as your very best self. What would that person do, say and think? Once you believe that something is possible, your world will become richer as a result.

How to identify what you're most passionate about

How to identify what you're most passionate about

What are you passionate about? Do you truly understand what it is to have passion? So many of us live our lives not truly knowing what it feels like to be passionate about anything anymore. We get lost in the busyness of life, the mundane "things" we choose to spend our time doing which can often lack excitement and variety.

What if I told you that being passionate is about tuning into the seemingly small things in life that make you smile or laugh out loud, the things that make you feel expansive. Being passionate is not about having one thing that does that for you! It's about you recognising that you're multi dimensional, unique and exquisite. Having passion is essentially a really strong emotion

Question: What do you have strong emotions about, to the point that you will go full out for in your commitment?

When it comes to passion (a strong emotion of desire)  there is a need to be brave enough to both acknowledge and embrace it. To seek out your passion is to be opportunistic, creative, courageous and different from the rest. What's unique about you?
Being passionate is in line with a spiritual practice, because you fully immerse your mind, body and spirit into the experience. This results in your ricochet feelings of contentment within all aspects of your life. Defining our passion can be challenging because usually we have more than one. For example, I love the Art's, Fashion, Travelling, Dancing, Music, Theatre and Acting. I am also very passionate about my business and the transformation my clients have through working with me. It reminds me that the work I do is significant, and has a positive impact on the world; resulting in me feeling inspired and grateful.

Which brings me on to the effect that passion can have on our lives. Passion doesn't have to be the way you feel, it can also be about the effect of what you do for another person for example. Question, how do you want to feel in your life? What effect do you wish to have in this world? Write down on paper what come's up for you. Let a tsunami of desire flood you. Invest in this time to want what you want. Stand in your power. And make it happen!

Essentially finding your passion will lead to your creativity and purpose, the clues are often in your childhood and may need some guidance, patience and creativity to unearth them so they can shine once again, making your life far richer in the process.

If you would like guidance and support of how to stop living in fear of the unknown. And learn how to find clarity, confidence and your passion. If you're ready to get a head start on 2017! Your journey can start now click here to arrange a clarity call and find out how I can help. I urge you to do it now with full understanding that life is for living. I'm excited for you and can't wait to speak with you!

Change It: Here's How

Change It: Here's How

You knew how to change but you forgot. Here is a reminder.

Sometimes it seems like nothing works the way it should. If you’re a human, you have probably hit that point where work is no fun, relationship is a struggle and you don’t even feel comfortable in your body.

At times like these, changing your life can seem overwhelming. There’s so much to do…where do you even start?

It’s quite simple, really…just change ONE thing.

Read a magazine article you would never typically even consider. Try a new type of restaurant. Take a different route to work. Any simple change of scenery can shift your perspective, and has the potential to drastically transform your life.

It’s like a ship at sea…if it changes course even one degree, 100 miles later it’s in completely new waters.

Of course, the most profound shifts are the ones you make on the inside. Annoyance can easily be turned into fascination. Frustration can be flipped to become gratitude. Even anger can be transformed if you simply turn it into a song.

You don’t have to tackle the whole dish, just make one simple shift.

And the best part is…it’s all experimentation. If you don’t like your new perspective, you can always go back to your old one. 

What “one-degree” shift can YOU make TODAY?

No longer let FEAR of the unknown stop you from becoming who you really ARE.

Vision & Insight

Vision & Insight

Creating the life you want takes vision & insight. The problem is often we have more than one passion that we want to explore and well, it can get kinda overwhelming right?

Good decisions can't be made with the same mindset that created your current situation.

More importantly, the best way to figure out what you really really want is to begin exploring what your value and belief systems are.  You see, everything in life is cause & effect which means it's all about changing your perception to what's causing you the stress in the first place.

It's time to WAKE UP to living life with the spirit of excellence... So, if you're ready to step up & out and learn what you CAN DO to change your current experience from feeling stuck to flowing. If you'd like to find out what 'excuses' you're using to not move forward in your life. If you want to start moving pass your blocks and start creating the life of your dreams. I'm here to let you know. It's ALL POSSIBLE. 

I'd love to talk with you about what's next. Click here to schedule a clarity session.